Sunday, November 6, 2011

Face-to-Face Class Meeting #2 - Reflection of the Weekend

This weekend was our last class meeting of not only the course, but the program itself. It's both exciting and relieving, and I can't wait until this program is complete! Not that I don't enjoy the program, but it is definitely time-consuming.

Our last two class meetings will chock-full of information and experiences that I know will help me become a better, more effective, leader. Friday night was split into two parts: a panel of administrators who specialize in Human Resources and a visit from CADA: California Association of Directors of Activities. The panel of HR administrators was informative and I appreciated how genuine each presenter was. A common theme was that if you had any questions, you shouldn't hesitate to call for advice or guidance. Another trend was that paperwork and documentation is extremely important, but it can also tend to eat up your time. Try to manage your time so that paperwork can be completed while students and teachers aren't around.

The presenters from CADA led many fun activities that were also educational. The activities helped us examine our communication habits and skills. We also learned just how important activities are for students - helping them become connected to the schools. On average students who are involved in co-curricular activities have better attendance and GPAs. They are less likely to become involved in drugs and violence. School activities can and should be encouraged for students in order for them develop life skills and as one person in the group said, "find their niche in this world."

Saturday was full of interesting, but overwhelming (there's that word again...), information regarding school finance and budgeting. It was really educational to hear the background of why school finance is the way it is today. We heard the history regarding some of the things that have impacted school finance the most: Revenue Limits, Prop 13, and Prop 98. It was eye-opening and it gave me a better understanding of the intricacies that go into educational budgets. There weren't as many practical activities as I had anticipated, but it was all useful information.

From this weekend's classes, I definitely feel better prepared for an administrative role. Though, it also seems that the more I learn, the more I find out I have yet to learn. I'm excited for the journey :)

1 comment:

  1. Katie,
    What a great way to wrap up the semester. I, too, enjoyed the listening and communicating activity that we participated in. The follow-up activity was great, as well. There were definitely some comic relief moments that had us all rolling. Too fun!
